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Must reside in Glenbard West high school district : The Titans program is a feeder program for Glenbard West High School.

Player can only register to tryout for the grade they are entering this Fall.  We do not allow players to play up a grade. 

  • Our tryouts process selects 20 players for  two teams of 10 players (top 10 Green/ next 10 White) at each grade level. 
  • Experienced coaches and trainers - parent and non parent trainers working from all the same principals and goals set forth by the program. 
  • Season starts late October thru early March *
  • 25-30 practice sessions *
  • Home Holiday Tournament (12/31- 1/2) at GBW *
  • 25- 35 games over league games and tournaments, depending on grade level.  Games played primarily during weekends focused on the western suburbs via a local league or local tournaments *
  • Big 3 Training session for 3rd- 6th grade boys and girls. 
  • Player cost range from $450-$565 plus $120 uniform package (If needed).  

Who can play Titans ?
The Glen Ellyn Titans is open to 3rd - 8th grade boys and 3rd- 8th girls that live within the Glenbard West  School District #87 boundaries.  If you are entering 4th grade you can ONLY try out for 4th graders, if 5th then 5th and so on.  We do not normally have any players "play up" unless there are available spots in the upper grade and/or players are competitive at that upper grade level.

What Commitment Level is Required?   
We understand fall sports are still in session but once completed we fully expect players to place our this season/program  (November - February) as a priority above all other activities (with the exception of school work, family obligations and school basketball, which is a best efforts to avoid), including volleyball, soccer, drama and any other activity which takes them from our needed practice time.   Our practice time is set for the entire season.  Although not terribly consistent, If your player cannot commit to our program, please reconsider accepting a position so we may make room for another.  I am sure you will agree, it is only fair to your player, his/her teammates and his/her coaches, he/she is dedicated.  

As a part of needing your players commitment, we need our players agreement to prioritize all Titans basketball practices and games over other club basketball teams and training. with the exception of school basketball teams, as we have an agreement with these teams to avoid conflicts.   If you are considering a club basketball team during the same winter season Nov-February we NEED for your player to reconsider and participate on only one team. 

When are tryouts?
Tryouts are typically during the month September.  Players must attend at least one of the two sessions.  There is no cost to trying out.   See Tryout page for details, dates and times. 

How many players on a team?
8-10 players per team depending on the turnout.

How are teams selected?
Teams are selected during the tryouts based upon skill and ability when compared to their peers.  Evaluations are conducted during the tryouts by Board Members, non-parent Trainers and knowledgeable basketball coaches. Typically players are evaluated on dribbling, shooting, defense, game play, basketball IQ and overall basketball skills. 

How many teams at each level?
We are committed to doing our best to support two teams at each grade level and gender.  That will all depend on overall turnout and skill level  as well as overall available gym time provide each team an opportunity for two practices a week plus skill development session.  

How is playing time determined? 
As a feeder team, our goal is to provide opportunity for all players to develop in game time experiences.  Assuming players are participating in practices, paying attention and working hard at improve at each practice, our position on playing time is as follows:  

3rd, 4th, 5th 6th grades and as well as 7th/8th second teams:
Players play as equal as possible in any particular game or over a course of short range of games. Meaning coaches will attempt to balance over the course of either a tournament or range of games. There should be no games that a player fully participating does not have a chance to play.  Individual games may be affected by match-ups or composition of our own players. NO guarantee for exactly equal playing time during a single game. This is too hard to manage. 

First level teams at 7th and 8th grade, 
Playing time is driven more by competitive match ups whereby equal playing time is not guaranteed in any single game however over the course of a season we strive to offer balanced playing time for each player.  This can be achieved only when players are placed in the best situation to succeed and we have full participation in practice sessions. 

If you find your player is clearly falling outside these guidelines please contact our Program President or Program Director

How are coaches selected?
All coaches are selected by the  Glen Ellyn Titans Board.  Coaches are a mix of qualified parent and non-parent head coaches.  Assist Coaches are typically qualified parent coaches.  Coaches qualifications are determined and approved by the Titans Board of Directors.  Our program will attempt to establishing non-parent coaches at the 7th and 8th grade levels, when qualified coaches are available. Parent coached may be considered if more qualified non-parent coaches are not available.  Coaching selection will be approved by the Titans Board.  At these levels we are working closely with the High School and preparing our players for the high school environment.  

Trainers:  We attempt to support many of our teams with non-parent experienced coaches or former college players as trainers and coaches.  We are also supported at the 7th and 8th grade levels with Glenbard West HS coaches, when available. 

Parent Coaches: Anyone interested in Coaching, whether Head Coach or Assistant Coach, a Titans team should contact the Board to express interest.  Email  

Typically Coaches that are considered in “good standing” from the prior season are afforded the opportunity to continue coaching their respective team the following season.   

3rd and 4th Grade:  Parent Coaches will not be selected and only candidates until after the tryout process.   All coaches may be required to complete a background check each season and participate in a Coaching Alliance training sessions.

What is the Player Cost?   
Player Cost is based on the number of games and tournaments played and include officiating, gym time for games and practices, insurance, tournament admission fees. Depending on the age group, cost per player will range from $530-$605 plus uniform cost (approximately $100). 

Winter Season includes 35-37 focused training sessions twice a week between mid-October – early March, third party training opportunities and competitive game play via leagues and/or tournaments. 


3rd Grade Boys Winter Season: Estimated 25 games $500 plus $150 new uniform package
4th Grade Boys Winter Season: Estimated 25-30 games $530 plus $145 new uniform package
5th Grade Boys Winter Season: Estimated 25-30 games $555 plus $145 new uniform package 
6th Grade Boys Winter Season: Estimated 30-35 games $580 plus $145 new uniform package. 
7th Grade Boys Winter Season: Estimated 30-35 games $605 plus $145 new uniform package. 

8th Grade Boys Winter Season: Estimated 30-35 games $605 plus $145 new uniform package. (if needed)

3rd Grade Girls:  Training and Game Play (Nov and Dec session):  $225 includes practice uniform. 
4th Grade Girls Winter Season: Estimated 25-30 games $530 plus $145 new uniform package
5th Grade Girls Winter Season: Estimated 25-30 games $555 plus $145 new uniform package.
6th Grade Girls Winter Season: Estimated 30-35 games $580 plus $145 new uniform package. 
7th Grade Girls Winter Season: Estimated 30-35 games $605 plus $145 new uniform package.
8th Grade Girls Winter Season: Estimated 30-35 games $605 plus $145 new uniform package. (if needed)

** Online processing fees of (3.3% + $1.50) per payment.  Uniform includes tax. 

Our goal is two teams at each grade level but teams will only be created if there is enough capable players to compete at the travel level. 

For those not making a team, we have requested the Park District upon availability, consider adding you to a Fall team before the start of their season. 


100% Full Refund: Season ending injury prior to the start of our season (approx 11/1) which would not allow your player to participate in any of the upcoming season. 

Partial Refund:  Injury during the season which would not allow your player to return to play, pro-rated based on 11/1 - 2/28 season based on the decision not to continue participating.

Any refunds are subject to approval from the Titans Board. 

What is length of Season?
Late October through February (Practices start in mid-late October). Season will start with tryouts, followed by pre-season training sessions mid October with the regular winter season November 1st - March 10-15th 

How many practices?
Practices are held twice a week at either Glenbard West, Ackerman, Civic Center or neighborhood schools and/or gyms. Anticipate between 30-32 scheduled practice sessions from late October to end of February.   As we get into February, gym time does lighten up so more practices earlier in the season.  

Attendance at practices is important and fully expected.  Our program must be a priority over other activities but for school basketball programs. 

Final practice times will be announced once tryouts are completed but you can expect a heavy dose of Tuesday and Thursday along with Monday and Friday evenings from 5:30 – 9:30 pm.  3rd, 4th and 5th tend to be early while 6th, 7th and 8th will practices between 7:00 – 10:00 typically.   We will also potentially host weekend training sessions during the early part of the season. 

Anticipated grade level schedules are completed by Tryouts.  If you have concerns with conflicts please feel free to email with questions. 

How many games played?  
Typically playing a game(s) each weekend from mid November - early March.  Games are scheduled with teams who play at a similar competitive level. These games may include home games, away games at neighboring communities and weekend tournaments where a larger variety of competition can be found.  Nearly all our games are within an hour travel time.

What kind of time commitment does Titans have?
During the course of the season it is very important that the Titans be prioritized above other sports. Attendance to practices and games are crucial to the development of each players skills and understanding of the team concept and capabilities.

Teams are typically selected by early October. Our season typically starts in early October with open practices with the official season starting near the end of October.   Games will officially start early to mid November and run through late February to early March.

There are typically 2 practices each week for 1-1.5 hours each. The younger grade levels typically practice from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm and older grades from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm at a local gym location.

Most teams play a combination of the league games, within the DuPage Youth Travel Basketball League, and tournaments. Games are mostly on Saturdays and Sundays and can range from no games in a weekend to 4-5 depending on tournament schedule/league schedule.